Starting the Conversation
Step 1: Starting the Conversation (2017)
To set goals for the GenEQ initiative, we need to better understand gender equity at U of G. By developing a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face, we can create solutions that meet our community’s needs.
Advisory Group – The provost and the associate vice-president of human resources have formed an advisory group consisting of members of the campus community. On the advice of the committee, the inititive's name was updated to better reflect its goals. The group will:
- advise leadership on strategy
- suggest next steps
- share information back with the University community
Campus Conversations – Faculty, staff and students will be invited to discuss:
- gender equity on campus
- women’s and other under-represented gender groups’ goals for recognition, success and roles in leadership
- challenges and solutions to achieving those goals
Support and Research – Post-doc researcher Alexandra Rodney was hired to provide administrative support for the GenEQ initiative and to research gender equity on campus. She is helping define “women’s leadership” at U of G.
Host a University Women’s Leadership Seminar Series – U of G will host a seminar series featuring internationally recognized women who will share their research and experiences.